Mrs J Henderson (Pendledell)
It was a great honour to be invited to judge at this lovely friendly show where I was made very welcome by everyone. After 50 years of owning, showing and breeding our delightful Irish, it was quite an emotional but totally memorable day. I must extend a huge thank you to my two extremely competent stewards, Stephanie and Steve, who, along with a great quality entry, contributed to a most enjoyable day. There were overall many quality exhibits, some sadly who had to go cardless, but another day will aways see another outcome, and all placing where accepted in a sportsman like manner.
It saddened me to see over the past years, the gradual decline in show entries, when, I remember during my many years of showing there would regularly be double figures in all classes, which were often split as there would be upward of 20 – 30 dogs per class. To be pulled out in the last 7 was wonderful, and to finish in the first 3 placings was a huge achievement then.
There were, on the downside, some incorrect mouths, lack of forechests and overall lack of muscle tone, culminating in some erratic movement and soft toplines.
My one major criticism is the trend in “stringing up” of many exhibits, with the leads pulled so very tightly up behind the ears, totally impeding a sound driving of movement, with the exhibit being unable to propel around the ring with forward reach and drive. This resulted in some unsound footfall today, with the dog being unable to achieve correct balance.
MPD 3 (1)
1st Fairhaven Young Soul (IMP.SWE) TAF.NAF (HARRIS)
6 month old baby presenting a lovely neat outline, handsome balanced head with raised brows and soft expressive eyes. Compact in body with nothing overdone. Good shoulder placement, depth of rib with tight elbows. Strong quarters and topline held well in his sound positive movement. RBPIS.
2nd Marzanne Trigger Happy by Thendara (PYM)
8 months old boy with larger frame than my first. Good forechest and nicely angulated throughout. Balanced head with a kindly expression. In gleaming flat coat and lovely condition. Not quite as coordinated as 1.
PD 4 (1)
1st Fairhaven Young Soul (HARRIS) Repeat of MPD
2nd Marzanne Trigger Happy by Thendara (PYM) Repeat of MPD
3rd Thendara Haribo (ABBOT & MILLIGAN-BOTT)
VD 6
1st Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW (STOCKTON)
This well known and most worthy show champion presents a most admirable picture and gave his owner 101% in the ring, obviously enjoying his moment. He has the most attractive head and soft quizzical expression, good reach of neck, flowing into well angulated shoulder and return of upper arm. Excellent forechest, depth and spring of rib. He exhibits strength and balance throughout and stands on lovely arched feet. In lovely bloom and condition. He moved out with verve and positive flowing gait. Very pleased to award him RCCC & BVD.
2nd Sh Ch Suteresett King of Hearts JW (GISBY)
Lovely balanced head, well angulated both fore and aft. Strong quarters, well let down hocks, tight arched feet in lovely dark coat. He moved out with a sound fluent gait.
3rd Thendara The Watchmaker (PYM)
JD 5
1st Forfarian Fancy Footwork (JACOBS & BERNARD)
Really liked this 14 months old youngster. He is balanced throughout, good bone and standing on nicely arched feet. Head masculine with a kindly expression, well angulated both fore and aft with strength over topline and quarters. His movement was, after a naughty start, at one with his owner and he showed style and assurance.
2nd Thendara Hot Diamond and Cararua (KASSUBE & FRENCH)
Another rather naughty youngster, who again presented a rather attractive outline. A handsome head with good balance to skull and foreface. Good forechest and angulation throughout. In lovely coat and condition moved out well once settled.
3rd Bardonhill Love Me Tender (DAVISON)
YD 3 (2)
1st Kerryfair Misty Morning (TAF) (ROBINSON-SLATER)
Just 2 years old today. Nicley balanced throughout with a good forechest, deep ribs and strong topline flowing to correct tailset. Moved out well.
MD 2 (1)
Fairhaven Young Soul (IMP.SWE) NAF TAF (HARRIS)
Repeat of MPD & PD
ND 3 (1)
1st Fairhaven Young Soul (IMP.SWE) NAF TAF (HARRIS)
Repeat of MPD & PD & MD
2nd Bardonhill Love Me Tender (DAVISON)
Larger frame than 1st, attractive head with kindly eye. Strong topline, in good coat and condition, not as sound on the move as first.
UGD No Entries
GD 5 (1)
1st Penclippin Jubilee Flame JW (BENTLEY)
Masculine well balanced head with expressive eye and well defined brow. Well proportioned body properties presenting an overall pleasing picture. Good forechest and nicely angulated throughout with deep ribs and strength over loin. Standing on good bone and tight feet. In lovely coat and firm condition moving out freely with ground covering stride.
2nd Zakhans Diamond Jack JW (RORKE)
Balanced masculine headpiece, with soft expressive eye. Well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Good depth and spring of rib. Good bone and well arched feet. Moved out truly holding his topline well.
3rd Bardonhill Million Reasons (DAVISON)
PGD (5)
1st Swiftlark Spellbinder (CORLESS)
Good balance to skull and foreface with a lovely dark almond shaped eye. Well arched neck fitting smoothly into correct angulated shoulder and return of upper arm. Good sternum, chest deep with well sprung ribs, gently sloping topline and correct tailset. Strong quarters and well let down hocks. In rich dark coat and good muscular condition. Moved out with strength and purpose.
2nd Covarney Pickpocket at Jacingail (PULLEN /ATKIN)
Another quality masculine boy. Shorter couplings than 1, but everything in balance and harmony. Lovely head and kindly expression, well set ears and good finish to foreface. Deep well sprung ribs. Gently sloping topline leading to good tailset and wide quarters. He stood on short strong hocks which propelled him around the ring with ground covering stride.
3rd Kerryfair Zoom In On Pawsword (KOLBACH)
MLD 7 (1)
Gwendariff Tullys Red Arrows (RICHARDSON)
This boy exhibits a lovely clean balanced outline with all parts fitting together so well. He has a lovely masculine head with raised brows and soft dark eye. Nicely arched neck leading to fine well sloping shoulders and strong forechest. He stands on good bone, has well bent stifle and short strong hocks which allowed him to move out with precision, holding his topline and totally at one with his handler. Beautiful presentation.
2nd Orlanset Mandolin (HEMMINGS)
This boy presents a very striking outline with both elegance and substance. Nothing to hide here, due to his somewhat lack of furnishings, but certainly no detriment to his lovely clean lines. Very handsome head, great length of neck leading smoothly into good shoulder placement, gently sloping topline and correct tailset. Moved out with great presence and style.
3rd Lynwood Merry May King with Shushana (COHEN)
LD 11
1st Thendara Marshmello JW (PYM/BOTT/MILLIGAN BOTT)
Kindly masculine head with expressive eye and lovely raised brow. Pronounced forechest, clean throat and good arched neck leading smoothly into his fine shoulder placement and correct return of upper arm. Tight in elbow with deep well sprung ribs. Strength to both topline and quarters with good tailset which he used well in his decisive flowing gait. In dark gleaming jacket and hard muscular condition.
2nd Thendara Tiger Dance (MILLIGAN -BOTT & BOTT)
This boy was determined to give his handler a hard time today. He has a very balanced headpiece and kindly dark eye. Rangy outline and retaining both strength and balance from his correctly sloping topline through to wide strong quarters and good 2nd thigh. Initially erratic once he decided to comply with his handler, he settled to move out happily and positively.
3rd Suteresett Rum Tum Tugger (GISBY)
OD 6 (2)
1st Sh Ch & IR. Sh. Ch. Gwendariff Absolutely Marwe’llus (IKC) WW24 CW24 (ELLRICH)
Such a beautifully made dog from the tip of his headpiece and an expressive dark eye through to his strong topline and wide muscular quarters. He has a pronounced forechest, tight elbows, excellent depth and spring of rib and stands on strong bone with good with to second thigh. Nothing in excess here and presented in a rich gleaming coat and hard condition. Moved out with tremendous style and presence, maintaining a fluid outline and covering the ground with an effortless tride. No hesitation in awarding this lovely boy this DCC & RBIS.
2nd Thendara Big Love (MILLIGAN BOTT & BOTT)
Rangier boy presenting a lovely clean outline and balanced handsome head. Excellent front assembly with pronounced forechest. Gently sloping topline, correct tailset and well angulated throughout. Good bend of stifle, wide quarters and short strong hocks which propelled him around the ring with exuberance and style. Presented in lovely coat and hard muscular condition.
3rd Sh Ch Orlanset A New Flame (HEMMINGS)
MPB 7 (3)
1st Shamrock Reds Golden Grace ( ATC ATCBB73907NLD) (VERMEIREN)
At 6 months old this very pretty baby has an excellent reach of neck, pronounced forechest. She moved out with a sound and confident gait. Holding her topline well and completely at one with her sympathetic handler.
2nd Riverbrue Mystique Avec Brinara (BERRY & MORRIS)
Well constructed baby with a strong outline. Femine head with a correct shape dark eye. Well angulated both fore and aft. Good width through loin and quarters. Presented in good bloom.
Preferred the more controlled movement of 1. today.
3rd Cararua Spring Pearl (KASSUBE/FRENCH)
PB 4 (1)
1st Thendara Truly (MILLIGAN-BOTT & BOTT)
10 months old mature young lady of excellent type. Attractive head with a kind expressive eye and raised brow. Good front assembly, straight bone and tight feet. Lovely flowing topline into sound quarters and correct tailset. In gleaming coat and condition. Moved out positively and confidently. BPB
2nd Shamrock Reds Golden Grace (VERMEIREN) as previous
3rd Marzannes Happy Returns (HADFIELD)
VB 6 (3)
1st Sh Ch Lynwood Abracadabra JW (MUGFORD)
This gorgeous bitch totally took my eye today. At 7 ½ years old and just beginning to show a slight dusting of grey around her wistful expressive eye this did not detract from her beautiful head. Her outline is rangy but totally feminine and she just oozes quality throughout. She has substance combined with elegance and exhibits a strong gently sloping topline and excellent width over loin and quarters leading to short strong hocks. She is well off the bone, good forechest and deep well sprung ribs. All attributes combined to present a charming overall picture. In lovely bloom and condition. She flowed around the ring with poise and style and such a happy disposition. I was so pleased to award her the BCC today, BVB, BVIS, BIS.
2nd Sh Ch Twoacres Promise of Spring with Avacet (ELKINS)
At 8 ½ years old, the second of the two lovely girls again exhibits great overall balance with all attributes flowing into the next. She has a pretty head with raised brow and endearing expression. Excellent forehand, depth and spring of rib and sound strong quarters. In great coat and condition throughout. Moved well with style and precision.
3rd Lochfrae Nina Simone (DAVIE)
JB 8 (1)
1st Marrland Lily On The Valley by Suteresett (IMP.NLD) JW (ATC NHS B 3312821)(GISBY)
Really loved this gorgeous girl. Stacked to perfection. She exhibits overall balance and poise. So neat and compact with the prettiest head and a mischievous glint in her eye. Great pronounced forechest, tight in elbow and such deep well sprung ribs for her young age. Her gently sloping topline finishes in correct tailset, lovely bend of stifle and neat short hocks. Presented in rich dark coat. Displayed a sound true movement with confident disposition.
2nd Kedalita Abfab for Lynwood JW (MUGFORD)
These 2 lovely girls were very hard to fault. Both exhibiting a true Irish picture of quality and style. Again she has an attractive head with kind dark eye and good balance to skull and foreface. Nicely arched neck leading into fine shoulders and gently sloping topline. Good tailset and strength through loin and quarters. In good bloom and condition. Moved out with a sound true gait.
3rd Tiroen The Sky’s The Limit (COX)
YB 5 (1)
1st Cherrorvale Dream Come True JW (ROBINSON)
Attractive head, lovely eye, raised brow and a delightful hint of mischief lurking there!
Nicely arched neck leading to finely sloping shoulder and return of upper arm and good forechest. I would like a slightly better finish over croup, but there is much yet to come with this little girl and time is on her side. Presented an overall balanced picture in rich dark coat. Moved out with drive and purpose.
2nd Twoacres Contrary Mary (KENNEDY SLOANE)
These two lovely young ladies by the same handsome sire, both present with similar attributes of balance and femininity. Sweet head, well angulated all through didn’t just cover the ground as positively as my 1st today.
3rd Alolfrana Whole Lotta Love with Redeshka (BA2) ATC BA 19642004) (WEBB)
MB 2(1)
1st Marzannes Happy /Returns (HADFIELD)
Stood alone today. A nicely balanced bitch with well proportioned head and a gently dark eye. Strong topline, good tailset. Deep body properties and lovely gleaming coat. A little erratic on the move.
NB 4(1)
1st Placed second in YB.
2nd Gwendariff Rhianna (ATC BB0923692) JONES)
Pretty feminine head with soft expression. Neat outline, good forechest, good bone and tight arched feet. Correct angulation throughout. Moved out ok.
3rd Marzannes Happy Returns (HADFIELD)
UGB 2(1)
1st Marzannes Happy Returns (HADFIELD)
Repeat of MB.
GB 5(2)
1st Penclippin Celtic Asthore JW (BENTLEY)
Feminine head with defined stop. Raised brows with appealing expression. Great front assembly with pronounced forechest. Good length to neck and well laid shoulder. Tight in elbow, deep body and well sprung ribs. Strong topline, good tailset, firm loin and well bent stifle. Moved out steadily holding a balanced clean outline.
2nd Riverbrue Ophelia Love Glennara JW (HALL)
Very pretty head, expressive eye and well set ears. Good length of neck, clean over shoulder. Strong topline and good width and finish over croup. Moved adequately but somewhat reluctant to give off her best today.
3rd Shelindair Sing To A Rainbow (POPLAWSKA)
PGB 5(1)
1st Lynwood Rather Scruptious JW (MUGFORD)
Loved this elegant, beautifully balanced lady. Presented by this longstanding, consistent breeder. She has a gorgeous expressive eye, raised brow and correct finish to skull and foreface. Great depth to chest and well sprung ribs. Good strength and ample width over quarters and standing on good bone, short hocks and neat feet. In lovely rich bloom and condition. Used the ring to advantage with a powerful true gait.
2nd Swiftlark Illustrious JW (CORLESS)
Lovely balanced head, raised brow and quizzical expression. Deep brisket, good layback of shoulder and strength throughout from her sloping topline to wide muscular quarters. Drove soundly around the ring with lashing tail. Much to like about this girl and unlucky to meet my 1st today.
3rd Riverbrue Ophelia Bongos At Henaleas (HUMPHREYS)
1st Glennara Cherry Cola JW (HALL)
Classically beautiful head and expression, good stop, raised brow and endearing dark eye. Well arched neck which led smoothly into fine well angulated shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth and spring of rib, wide strong quarters and standing on good bone and neat feet. She moved effortlessly with a fluent positive gait and holding her topline.
2nd Lanstara Red Dress At Cherrorvale AV01247006(ROBINSON & ROWBOTTOM)
Such a neat young lady presenting both femininity yet substance throughout. Loved her pretty head and expressive eye beneath lovely raised brows. Sternum well pronounced. Lovely arched neck and well angulated both fore and aft. Strength over loin and good width to quarters. She moved out with a true ground covering stride.
3rd Lanstara Scarlet Ribbons For Pennybourne (MILLINGTON)
LB 8(1)
1st Beautiful Stranger of Gracewood (DOUTHWAITE/WHARFE)
Nothing overdone here with this lovely bitch. Everything just flows with harmony throughout. She has a lovely lean head, dark almond shaped eye and raised brow giving her the most delightful endearing expression. Her gently arched neck leads to a fine shoulder placement, pronounced sternum and good return of upper arm. Her chest is deep, ribs well sprung and good width over loin and strong wide quarters. With correct tailset. Presented in lovely coat and muscular condition. Her movement was admirable as she powered around the ring with a fluent true gait. Sympathetically handled throughout. So very pleased to award her a truly deserved RCC today.
2nd Harreds Lillie (HALL)
Nothing to hide with this pretty compact lady who has a very sweet head with good balance to skull and foreface. Correct front assembly, straight well boned legs, neat arched feet and nicely angulated throughout. A lovely type who appealed for her feminine, elegant outline. She moved out with precise footfall and holding her topline.
3rd Gwendariff Thistle Be Jills At Wynjill (HOLLEY)
OB 7(3)
1st Sh Ch Irish Sh Ch Gwendariff Pink Shampagne IKC (NEILL/STEWART)
Beautiful balanced head, excellent eye shape and depth of colour with raised brow depicting a soft quizzical expression. Gently arched neck leading into fine shoulder placement. Good depth to chest, strong topline flowing into muscular wide quarters. Short strong hocks and neatly arched feet in lovely rich dark coat. Moved out well with a purposeful ground covering action.
2nd Sh Ch Riverbrue Flashbax At Henaleas (HUMPHREYS)
This quality bitch presented an excellent outline displaying both substance combined with femininity. She has a lovely balanced head with wistful expression. Good length of neck leading to finely sloping shoulder and ample forechest. Good topline and correct tailset. Ample width over quarters and strong muscular thighs. In lovely rich coat and moved out well with enthusiasm.
3rd Rainha Della Magna Sila JW ATC AZ 978241TA (MAZZUCA)
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