DOGS:Ms M J Henderson
BITCHES: Mr C L Wheeldon
REFEREE: Mr J Sharman
It is always a privilege to be chosen to judge at a Breed Club Show, but to do so on the clubs 40th Anniversary was indeed an honour. My thanks to the committee for their support and especially to those exhibitors who brought their beloved dogs for my evaluation. Special thanks also to Lillie and Jacque my very efficient stewards.
Minor Puppy Dog: (3:0)
1st: Harris: FAIRHAVEN YOUNG SOUL FOR KONAKAKELA (Imp. Swe): 8 month old well grown youngster who shows much promise. Seems to have done most of his growing and presented a mature picture. Moved as his youth determined just a little loose all through.
2nd: Hemmings: ORLANSET SLAVE TO LOVE: Giving away a lot on maturity to the winner at this stage but lovely type with good head and body properties. Standing showed correct balance and well presented. As with the winner just moving as expected at his age.
3rd: Capper & Capper: CARARUA PEARL OF THE NORTH.
1st: Walker: GWENDARIFF HANKY PANKY: Very pleasing youngster who presents a well balanced picture on the stack. He is possessed of an appealing head and expression. Neck sits cleanly into well laid back shoulders and return of upper arm. Deep ribbing with good prosternum and carried well back. Moderate hindquarters with short rear pasterns. Moved accurately when settled. BPD.
2nd. Abbott & Milligan-Bott: THENDARA HARIBO: Pleasing head and expression with good balance between skull & muzzle. Straight front with ribbing carried well back, he just needs to drop into them. Well developed hindquarters. Movement was a little erratic today.
1ST: Russell: SH.CH. LYNWOOD HOCUS POCUS AT SETTERSOLI JW: A worthy Show Champion who has the most appealing head and eye, showing lots of work. Correct back skull, low set ears. Clean through his neck to withers and well laid shoulder. Enough prosternum and deep well sprung ribbing carried back to a strong loin. Moderate hindquarters with nicely bent stifles. Moved with drive and some style defying his years. Unlucky to meet the Veteran bitch who I have always so admired. BVD.
2nd. Pike: REDCLYST BORIS: Very different in style to the winner but displays all the required essentials from the standard. He carries the desired coat and has a balanced head and skull, would just like a little more work in head properties. Well laid front and good topline. Nicely ribbed back to strong loin. Moderate hindquarters. Not as precise in the move as winner.
1st. Lorrimer: GWENDARIFF DISCO DAZZLER (IKC): Very typey youngster. Lovely head and expression with good amount of work in foreface and good finish to muzzle. Moderate in his angulation fore and aft. Well laid shoulders and return of upper arm together with deep ribs giving a good prosternum. Good width and finish to hindquarters with nicely turned stifles and short rear pasterns. Good feet. Moved steadily using his tail correctly.
2nd: Davison: BARDONHILL LOVE ME TENDER: This young man gave his handler a hard time but I’m sure they will get the measure of each other with practice. Decent overall shape with good front, deep through his ribbing, carried well back to strong loin. Moderate hindquarters. Moved okay.
1st. Holehan-Green: LOGANRISH TIGER WARRIOR: Upstanding male of lovely type. On first appraisal he appealed for his balanced body length to height. Decent head with good back skull and well-shaped dark eye. Strong, crested neck set cleanly into shoulders with good return of upperarm. Correct prosternum and deep ribbing well sprung and carried nicely back to strong muscular loin. Well-developed hindquarters with nicely turned stifles. Shown in super muscular condition throughout his body and glowing coat. Moved out well.
2nd: Lorrimer: GWENDARIFF DISCO DAZZLER (IKC): See Junior report
1ST: Bott: BARDONHILL MILLION TO ONE: Took my eye on first appraisal and didn’t disappoint me on close inspection. Really lovely overall shape and balance to outline with gently sloping topline finishing the overall picture. His head is lean and well balanced with correct finish to muzzle, dark well-shaped eye and pleasing back skull. Low set ears. Strong neck set cleanly into his well laid shoulders with complimentary upper arm. His prosternum fills the hand and his deep well sprung ribs are carried back to a nicely developed loin. Wide, strong hindquarters with good, moderately turned stifles. He used himself well on the move with accurate footfalls and holding his topline. A really lovely Irish Setter. RCC.
2nd. Richardson: BARDONHILL MCINTOSH RED AT MONTGREENAN JW: Another from this kennel and many of the same remarks apply. A really pleasing dog to go over with all parts flowing together without break. He has a lovely head and expression, stands on good bone. Correct top line and tail set. Well laid shoulders and return of upper arm. Plenty prosternum giving a full front assembly. Deep well sprung ribs carried to strong loin. Wide hindquarters with good finish to croup. Well-turned stifles. Moved accurately.
1st. Berry, Morris & Fitzmaurice: BRINARA COUNTRY BOY: Really pleasing boy of excellent proportions throughout. Pleasing head and eye with good finish to muzzle and skull. Clean neck smoothly into really good front assembly with well filled prosternum. Decent ribbing carried back to strong loin. Wide, nicely moderated hindquarters. Decent feet. Moved out well and accurately.
2nd: Bentley: PENCLIPPIN JUBILEE FLAME JW: Lovely type with a good head showing balance with good finish to muzzle and nicely raised brows, clean through back skull to crested neck. Liked his front assembly and depth of rib just would like them carried a little further through his body. Wide, developed hindquarters. Moved okay.
3rd. Pike & Henderson: REDCLYST THE CELT.
1ST: Berry & Morris: COPPERS MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM (Imp Swe) JW: Super typey Irish, who took my eye on first look. Lovely head and expression with beautiful balance to foreface and skull, nice amount of work in foreface, raised brow and well-shaped eye. Clean cheeks and correct back skull. Strong nicely crested neck into good front assembly and enough fill in front. Well sprung ribs carried well back to strong loin and wide muscular hindquarters. Correct slightly sloping topline held well on his steady accurate movement.
2nd. Walker: GWENDARIFF YOU CAN’T TOUCH THIS JW: Another quality boy presented here in excellent condition. Well balanced all through standing on good bone and decent feet. Well-shaped head with dark eye and plenty work in foreface. Neat cheeks and correct back skull. Good front assembly with correct proportions shoulder to upper arm and well filled in front. Deep ribbing well sprung and carried back to strong loin. Good wide hindquarters with nicely bent stifles. Presented in first class order. Moved steadily.
1ST. Richardson: TULLYS RED ARROWS: My star of the day. There is so much that is right about this dog. His overall balance and gently sloping topline really appealed. Under my hand there was no lumps or bumps everything fitting neatly and cleanly together. His head, has the correct finish to muzzle and some work in foreface, his dark well-shaped eye and raised brows give a kind expression. Crested neck running cleanly into super front assembly with shoulder and upper arm of correct angulation and proportion to one another. Well filled prosternum, deep well sprung ribs carried way back to a strong loin. Wide hindquarters and lovely finish to croup. Stifles nicely let down and well angled. Short strong rear pasterns and neat feet. Moved as his construction dictated with smooth ground covering stride holding his lovely topline and using his tail as he drove of his rear hocks. This boy has so much to commend him and was shown in immaculate coat and muscular condition and beautifully handled. It gave me great pleasure to award him DCC and with agreement of my co-judge, he just edged it over the beautiful BCC winner to get BIS.
2nd. Beresford: JETSETTER WIND OF DREAMS (Imp Rus): A real quality boy with a beautiful headpiece. Nice amount of work in foreface and good eye colour and shape with raised brow and clean finish to back skull. Well-shaped, moderate neck set into balanced front assembly and enough forechest. Well balanced outline with correct topline. Ribs well sprung and carried well back to well-developed loin. Hindquarters mirrored front angulation in moderation and nicely finished croup. Moved steadily just not the reach and drive of the winner. Considered strongly for RCC.
OPEN DOG: (3:1)
1ST Hemmings: Sh.Ch. ORLANSET A NEW FLAME: A quality dog who shows lovely balance of leg length to height. Clean in outline with correct topline and tail set. Pleasing head with nicely finished muzzle and foreface, clean cheeks, raised brows and dark eye. Low set ears and good back skull. Slightly crested neck set cleanly into decent shoulders. Well sprung ribs, deep and carried well back to strong loin. Well-shaped bone and good feet. Nicely muscled hindquarters with enough width through first and second thigh. Strong rear pasterns. Presented in first class order showing the care and attention given to all aspects. Moved well with some animation.
2nd. Davison: BARDONHILL YOU DON’T FOOL ME. There is much to like about this dog. Sweet head and expression of correct proportions. Clean neck set into good front assembly. Deep ribbing and strong loin. Just a little short in croup but enough width through hindquarters and nicely bent stifles. Short rear pasterns unfortunately not using himself today on the move.
Magi Henderson
Many thanks to the committee for my invitation to judge at your 40th Anniversary Championship show. Such an honour and a privilege for my first appointment at this level and at a Breed club show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day with a great atmosphere. Was so well looked after, hospitality out of this world. A massive, big thank you to all the exhibitors for bringing their lovely girls under me. Not just quantity but in quality too and sadly some girls I liked either further down the line or went cardless. Also, special thanks go to my 2 lovely stewards Julie and Stephanie keeping the ring moving efficiently.
Baby puppy Bitch (2,0)
2 promising babies
1st Bott Bardonhill Cottom Tree. Nearly 5 months. Loved everything about her. Lovely shaped and feminine head, nice expression. Good, placed shoulders flowing into gentle sloping topline. Well, angulated fore and aft, good turn of stifle, correct tail set. Well off for coat nice dark colour moved well for such a baby. Just a bit more outgoing than 2ndBest Baby Puppy in Show
2nd Box Fernstart Heart’s Desire 5 months. Another baby to like lots about, different to 1st and liked everything about her too. Lovely shape, nice feminine head with pretty expression. Good shoulder placement into gentle sloping topline and correct tail set. Good angulations front and rear. Moved well for a baby just not as outgoing as first.
Minor puppy bitch (2,0)
2 lovey promising puppies
1st Hemmings Orlanset Angel Eyes 6 months nice shape and possess a very pretty head and dark eye. Liked her expression. Good low set ears, well angulated front and back. Gently sloping topline with good tail set. Good turn of stifle. Nice depth of chest, lovely rich dark coat. Moved well for such a youngster
2nd Kassube & French Cararua Spring Pearl nearly 9 months Slightly more substantial bitch, though still a very nice bitch loved her shape. Good angulations front and rear. Pretty head low set ears, nice rich dark coat. Gently sloping topline into correct tail set. Moved well.
Puppy bitch (8,3)
Lovely class of puppies at different stages. Later found out first two are litter sisters
1st Nicholls Riverbrue nearly 10 months Storm Loved her shape, very pretty head with good low set ears. Well angulated front and rear. Good shoulder placement into nice gentle sloping topline with good tail set. Nice tight feet, great front. Good depth of chest, lovely rich coat, moved well. Pleased to award her BP bitch and later with agreement of co judge awarded Best Puppy in Show
2nd Berry & Morris Riverbrue nearly 10 Months Mystique Avec Brinara Another lovely bitch just a bit naughtier on the move to first. Similar remarks to first, slightly longer in the neck to first. Nice thick wavy coat, nice shape good angulations with good shoulder placement into gentle sloping topline and good tail set. Moved ok
3rd Bott & Allen & Morgan Quensha Music of the Night.
Veteran Bitch (7,2)
Lovely class of veterans spoilt for choice to be honest.
1st Mugford SH CH Lynwood Abracadabra JW 7 Years Absolutely adored her shape, pretty head very feminine, low set ears. Nice dark rich coat well angulated fore and aft, good depth of chest, good shoulder placement into gentle slopping topline with plenty of finishing. Straight front good turn of stifle. Moved extremely well and pleased to award her Best veteran Bitch and with agreement my co Judge Best Veteran in Show
2nd Edwards Gwendariff Its Numero Uno at Bonhomie Another lovely bitch different type to 1st Liked her as a youngster and not changed my mind. Lovely shape, low set ears, excelled in pretty head, good reach of neck, straight front, good shoulder placement correct gentle sloping topline, tail set flow off nicely, good depth of chest, well angulated front and rear. Good turn of stifle. Another moved extremely well.
3rd Catling Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)
Junior Bitch (6,3)
3 nice bitches in the class all 3 really enjoying their day out
1st Jones Gwendarriff Rhianna Really giving her handler a very hard time today, when eventually settled let me go over her. Lovely pretty feminine head, nice clean eye, ears set on low. Good reach of neck. Loved her shape once got her to stand, good depth of chest and good topline well angulated both front and rear, good tail set. Nice turn of stifle Moved ok
2nd Carter Bardonhill Little Darlin’ Another nice bitch very feminine head, lovely dark eye, very nice shape possessing gentle sloping topline into correct tail set. Nice reach of neck good angulations fore and aft. Stright front, good turn of stifle Moved fairly well
3rd Sansom Bardonhill Little Sister
Yearling Bitch (6,0)
1st Webb Alolfrana Whole Lotta Love with Redeshka New one to me. Pretty bitch nice shape would like a bit darker coat but nevertheless everything together. Pretty head, lovely expression, nice clean eye, straight front, good reach of neck. Deep chest, well angulated, gentle sloping topline, correct tail set and moved out really well. Nice finish
2nd Mugford Kedalita Abfab for Lynwood JW Another lovely bitched loved her shape very close decision between 1st and 2ndLovely rich dark coat, good shoulder placement, good angulations front and rear, straight front and deep chest. Feminine head, lovely expression, low set ears clean dark eye. Gently sloping topline with good tail set. Moved well
3rd Rutherford Clonageera Take a Chance JW
Maiden Bitch (3,1)
Two nice bitches both placed in previous classes
1st Harrison Clonageera Summer Dreams at Millpoint Placed reserve in puppy bitch class. Nice shape a bit long in body at the moment. Very pretty head, low set ears. Enough sternum, straight front, well angulated front and rear Nice tight feet. Gentle slopping topline into correct tail set. Would like a darker rich coat but at changes stage. Moved well.
2nd Rutherford Clonageera Summer Moments Placed VHC in puppy bitch class. Littler sisters Another nice bitch, stronger in the head to 1st Nice dark eye. Typical Irish expression good shoulder placement enough reach of neck. Straight front good angulations fore and aft. Nice deep chest, gentle slopping topline prefer a better tail set. Nice rich coat. Moved well.
Novice bitch (3,1)
1st Harrison Clonageera Summer Dreams at Millpoint Ist Maiden bitch
2nd Sansom Bardonhill Little Sister 3rdin puppy bitch Very pretty bitch low set ears, sweet expression straight front with good depth of chest nice shape, good angulations. Lovely dark rich coat. Would prefer a better tail set. Moved well for a youngster.
Undergraduate Bitch (2,0)
1st Twoacres Contrary Mary Very pretty bitch loved her shape, low set ears. Clean eye liked her expression. Good reach of neck, good depth of chest, straight front. Good shoulder placement into gentle sloping topline. Good angulations fore and aft with good tail set. Nice dark rich coat. Moved very well. Well-deserved first place
2nd Gwndariff Rhianna 1st Junior Bitch.
Graduate Bitch (8,3)
1st Nevitt Jaodawas Stargazer JW Lovely shape, very pretty head, feminine expression with nice clean eye, straight front, good angulations fore and aft. Nice depth of chest. Gently sloping topline with good tail set. Plenty of finish, moved extremely well once settled very worthy winner, one to watch for the future.
2nd Hall Riverbure Ophelia Love Glennara JW Another lovely bitch very close decision between 1 and 2 moved extremely well. Also, very pretty bitch, darker coat than first. Lovely shape, excelled in topline well angulated front and back. Nice depth of chest good reach of neck. Nice dark eye, love her expression, Gentle sloping topline into well placed tails set Moved very well
3rd Mitchell Kerryfair Misty Love for Amblin.
Post Graduate Bitch (6,1)
Very nice class of bitches with these 2 lovely bitches heading up this class.
1st Humphreys Riverbrue Ophelia Bongos at Henaleas Very feminine, lovely shape, adored her shape. Great shoulder placement into gentle sloping topline, nice reach of neck, lovely layback of shoulders. Straight front. Such a pretty head very feminine expression clean eye, good angulations fore and aft. In good coat and condition. Moved extremely well
2nd Valance Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone Another lovely bitch very close decision between 1st and 2nd another possessing a lovely shape very pretty head and feminine expression. Good reach of neck well angulated front and back. Nice depth of chest, straight front, lovely dark rich coat colour. Good tail set nice gentle sloping topline another moved very well.
3rd Mugford Lynwood Rather Scrumptious JW
Mid Limit Bitch (7,2)
Two nice bitches of different type but excelled in everything headed this lovely class
1st Bott & Allen & Morgan Quensha Joker and Queen Very feminine bitch, a bit fidgety at times. Lovely shape, pretty head, low set ears, Good clean eye with very feminine expression, straight front. Well angulated, with good depth of chest. Nice tail set which flows well off her back, gentle sloping topline. Overall, one lovely bitch Moved very well
2nd Parsons Forfarian Fluutt’r Yer Lashes at Bransett Another lovely bitch different type to first. Close decision between 2 and 3 these two could change places on another day. Lovely shape, very feminine good reach of neck good lay of shoulders into gentle sloping topline good tail set Low set ears, good depth of chest, good front, very pretty expression Moved well.
3rd Henderson & Szwajkowski Grenada Lofty Czerwony (Imp Pol) Liked this bitch too close decision between 2ndand 3rd could change places on another day.
Limit Bitch (8,2)
2 very nice bitches heading up this class different type worthy of their places today.
1st Watts Shenanagin Half a Sixpence Loved her shape, very pretty head, loved her expression, great angulations front and rear with good reach of neck. Nice clean dark eye, straight front. Good turn of stifle. Good depth of chest. Gentle sloping topline with correct tail set plenty of coat loads of finish. Moved very well covering the ground with ease and lashing tail. Well worth winning this class Pleased to award her RCC
2nd Catling Quensha Family Portrait for Teleri Another lovely bitch, darker in colour, very nice shape. Very pretty head, nice expression with good clean eye. Nice depth of chest. Straight front, well angulated fore and aft, gentle sloping topline with good tail set. Good turn of stifle. In good coat and condition. Moved very well too
3rd Glennara Chery Cola JW.
Open bitch (3,0)
3 very nice bitches in this class
1st Douthwaite and Wharfe Quensha Beautiful Stranger of Gracewood Excelled for me today Star of the day. One fantastic bitch absolutely loved her. Outstanding shape, lovely feminine head, nice dark eye, just loved her expression, low set ears, lovely reach of neck, good shoulder placement into gentle sloping topline flowing into correct tail set and used to advantage on the move. Good depth of chest, well angulated fore and aft. Presented in good coat and condition. Moved extremely well. So pleased to award her the CC today. Hope her crowning 3rd CC not too far away. In challenge for BIS the dog was a bit more outgoing and together on the move. Though she was a very worthy RBIS in agreement with co judge. Congratulations and a credit to her owners and breeders.
2nd Bott & Allen & Morgan SH CH Quensha Crimes of Passion Litter Another lovely bitch sister to first. A bit shorter in statue to first but still a nice bitch, very feminine with a good reach of neck. Good shoulders well laid back into good topline and tail set. well angulated front and rear straight front, good turn of stifle and a lovely dark rich coat and finish. Moved very well too
3rd Heather Sixoaks Leading Lady
Colin Wheeldon (Judge)
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